I am not a fan of (sciento)metric-based evaluation. The numbers below, especially in the “summary” part of my publications, should not have any scientific meaning. I even often made jokes (or satire, sarcasm, whatever you say) about some friends and colleagues listed in the top-some-percents of so-called world scientists, as they might be on the same level as either top citation cartels or top paper mills, instead of being truly top scientists. Unfortunately, the science bureaucracy in my country (and probably also in your country) still requires us, as researchers, to report the number of papers published and the citation counts from our works. That might be “normal” because we are paid by public taxes. That’s also why I made this page open to the public.
Since my early research life, I have been trying my best not to be involved in any big collaborations, in which I know nothing about the work performed by them. In other words, I do not like the so-called “honorary” or “gift” authorship. It does not mean that I am not sinful because I might, to some degree, have also enjoyed honorary authorship in several publications. Therefore, normally I would only publish relatively few papers per year, usually around 3-5 papers.
In a very rare, anomalous situation, I might publish too excessively. For example, in 2022, I had 8 papers published in mostly reputable journals in physics, including 4 papers in the Phys. Rev. family. What a dream publishing for a mediocre physicist like me, especially when the annual income (and also savings) is just half of that when we work abroad! I think it is funny that we could, in a developing country, publish twice as much as when we work in a developed country, all without sacrificing research quality.
On the other hand, I am also very proud to have only published one paper a year, which happened very recently in 2024! Unfortunately, in the world of “publish or perish”, people may say “shameful” to a person who is already on the level of the senior principal researcher (full professorship) when he/she only publishes one paper per year. In the past, I once also had the same thought, but now I firmly believe that it should be completely fine and alright for any professional senior researcher to publish just one paper per year, with the condition that the research activities were performed properly and the publication follows the usual and ethical peer review process.
I do not want to make an excuse, but I am quite confident that with my basic cognitive abilities and scientific networks, I should be able (InsyaAllah) to consistently publish more than 8 papers per year if I push myself to do it (and my family does not complain to me for being freaking workaholic 😂). However, I have decided not to do so. I even would like to declare that one of my 2025 (and the following years’) resolutions is that if my publications have reached 7 papers within the year, I should immediately stop the possible publication of the 8th paper for that year. The 8th paper should be shifted to be the 1st paper for the upcoming year.
With this “local policy” for myself, I can record the year 2022 as my “craziest” year in terms of publication quantity (with reasonably high, or at least moderate, research quality, although it is just a self-claim). Moreover, I do not want and hopefully will not exceed the 2022 achievement again, forever in my lifetime! Indeed, the upper limit of publication counts that I set for myself is a kind of reflection and demonstration for trying not to be part of the “publish or perish” culture and for avoiding any “easy” publication.
As a governmental researcher funded by the public, when we just have one paper published in one year, it does not mean that we betray the public trust by too few outputs (given the probably “big” input fund from taxes, etc.) because in daily life our “useful” activities are not limited purely to research only. I already have another long argument for our responsibility as a researcher to the public regarding the use of their taxes to support research activities (and researcher salaries). Unfortunately, this disclaimer is already too long! Perhaps someday in another post/page, I can elaborate on the argument further.
So, here it is! On this page, I list almost all publications (along with relevant preprints, whenever available) that include me as a contributor. Alternatively, you can check my Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, or ORCID profile.
Summary (as of 7 January 2025):
- Papers published/accepted in international journals: 58
- Papers published in international proceedings: 14
- Book(s) / Book chapter(s): 2
- Total citations: 2311 (Google Scholar), 1807 (Scopus), 1691 (Web of Science)
- h-index: 23 (Google Scholar), 20 (Scopus), 20 (Web of Science)
Papers in international journals
♣ = as the first author or corresponding author or equal contributor.
2025 (1 paper published, and 3 preprints under review):
- H. M. Lim, D. Dwiputra, M. S. Ukhtary, A. R. T. Nugraha, “pyBoLaNO: A Python symbolic package for normal ordering involving bosonic ladder operators” (arXiv:2501.01603)
- H. M. Lim, D. Dwiputra, M. S. Ukhtary, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Transient Dynamics of the Quantum Stuart-Landau Oscillator” (arXiv:2406.12337)
- S. Y. Pradata, M. A. N. ‘Azhiim, H. M. Lim, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Efficient Classical Computation of Single-Qubit Marginal Measurement Probabilities to Simulate Certain Classes of Quantum Algorithms” (arXiv:2411.06822)
[58] M. N. G. Laksono, M. A. Majidi, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Thermoelectric Properties of Type-I and Type-II Nodal Line Semimetals: A Comparative Study”, Physica Scripta 100, 015970 (2025). (Preprint version: arXiv:2408.16644)
2024 (1 paper):
[57] F. Kengo, S. Solihin, M. S. Ukhtary, J. Suwardy, M. A. Majidi, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Tunable optical absorption in undoped graphene sandwiched between multilayer dielectric stacks with mirror symmetry”, Physica Scripta 99, 035513 (2024).
2023 (3 papers):
[56] M. S. Ukhtary, A. R. T. Nugraha, A. B. Cahaya, A. Rusydi, M. A. Majidi, “High-performance Kerr quantum battery”, Applied Physics Letters 123, 034001 (2023).
[55] M. Y. Hanna, M. A. Majidi, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Computational study of III–V direct-gap semiconductors for thermoradiative cell applications”, Nanotechnology 34, 3153705 (2023).
[54] J. M. Adhidewata, R. W. M. Komalig, M. S. Ukhtary, A. R. T. Nugraha, B. E. Gunara, E. H. Hasdeo, “Trigonal warping effects on optical properties of anomalous Hall materials”, Physical Review B 107, 155415 (2023).
2022 (8 papers):
[53] R. Muslim, S. A. Wella, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Phase transition in the majority rule model with the nonconformist agents”, Physica A 608, 128307 (2022).
[52] M. S. Ukhtary, E. H. Hasdeo, A. B. Suksmono, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Long-lived qubit entanglement by surface plasmon polaritons in a Weyl semimetal”, Physical Review B 106, 155409 (2022).
[51] A. Darmawan, E. Suprayoga, A. A. AlShaikhi, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Thermoelectric properties of two-dimensional materials with combination of linear and nonlinear band structures”, Materials Today Communications 33, 104596 (2022).
[50] A. B. Cahaya, R. M. Sitorus, A. Azhar, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. A. Majidi, “Enhancement of spin mixing conductance by s-d orbital hybridization in heavy metals”, Physical Review B 105, 214438 (2022). (Preprint version: arXiv:2206.09347)
[49] M. S. Muntini, E. Suprayoga, S. A. Wella, I. Fatimah, L. Yuwana, T. Seetawan, A. B. Cahaya, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, “Spin-tunable thermoelectric performance in monolayer chromium pnictides”, Physical Review Materials 6, 064010 (2022). (Preprint version: arXiv:2112.13229)
[48] J. M. Adhidewata, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, P. Estellé, B. E. Gunara, “Thermoelectric properties of semiconducting materials with parabolic and pudding-mold band structures”, Materials Today Communications 31, 103737 (2022). (Preprint version: arXiv:2107.06826)
[47] R. Muslim, M. J. Kholili, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Opinion dynamics involving contrarian and independence behaviors based on the Sznajd model with two-two and three-one agent interactions”, Physica D 439, 133379 (2022). (Preprint version: arXiv:2201.03351)
[46] N. T. Hung, J. M. Adhidewata, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Enhanced thermoelectric performance by van Hove singularities in the density of states of type-II nodal-line semimetals”, Physical Review B 105, 115142 (2022). (Preprint version: arXiv:2112.03525)
2021 (2 papers):
[45] W. V. Sinambela, S. A. Wella, F. S. Arsyad, N. T. Hung, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Electronic, Optical, and Thermoelectric Properties of Bulk and Monolayer Germanium Tellurides”, Crystals 11, 1290 (2021).
[44] E. Suprayoga, W. B. K. Putri, K. Singsoog, S. Paengson, M. Y. Hanna, A. R. T. Nugraha, D. R. Munazat, B. Kurniawan, M. Nurhuda, T. Seetawan, E. H. Hasdeo, “Investigation of electron and phonon transport in Bi-doped CaMnO3 for thermoelectric applications”, Materials Research Bulletin 141, 111359 (2021). (Preprint version: arXiv:2001.08443)
2020 (5 papers):
[43] G. R. Suwito, M. Fukuda, E. Suprayoga, M. Ohtsuka, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. Sakashita, S. Shibayama, O. Nakatsuka, “Formation of ultra-thin Ge1−xSnx/Ge1−x−ySixSny quantum heterostructures and their electrical properties for realizing resonant tunneling diode”, Applied Physics Letters 117, 232104 (2020).
[42] C. Euaruksakul, H. Nakajima, A. Rattanachata, M. Y. Hanna, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. Boutchich, “Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties of Graphene on 4H-SiC (0001) Nanofacets Functionalized with F4-TCNQ”, Journal of Electronic Materials 49, 6872-6880 (2020).
[41] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, T. Yang, R. Saito, “Confinement Effect in Thermoelectric Properties of Two-dimensional Materials”, MRS Advances 5, 469-479 (2020).
[40] M. Nurhuda, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. Y. Hanna, E. Suprayoga, E. H. Hasdeo, “Thermoelectric properties of Mexican-hat band structures”, Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11, 015012 (2020).
[39] K. Zhang, X. Pang, T. Wang, F. Han, S.-L. Shang, N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, Z.-K. Liu, M. Li, R. Saito, S. Huang, “Anomalous Phonon-mode Dependence in Polarized Raman Spectroscopy of Topological Weyl Semimetal TaP”, Physical Review B 101, 014308 (2020). (Preprint version: arXiv:2001.06059)
2019 (5 papers):
[38] N. T. Hung, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Thermoelectric properties of carbon nanotubes”, Energies 12, 4561 (2019). (Invited Review)
[37] E. H. Hasdeo, L. P. A. Krisna, M. Y. Hanna, B. E. Gunara, N. T. Hung, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Optimal band gap for improved thermoelectric performance of two-dimensional Dirac materials”, Journal of Applied Physics 126, 035109 (2019).
[36] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Designing high-performance thermoelectrics in two-dimensional tetradymites”, Nano Energy 58, 743-749 (2019).
[35] D. Satco, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, M. S. Ukhtary, D. Kopylova, A. G. Nasibulin, R. Saito, “Intersubband plasmon excitations in doped carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B 99, 075403 (2019). (Preprint version: arXiv:1811.11451)
[34] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, T. Yang, Z. Zhang, R. Saito, “Thermoelectric performance of monolayer InSe improved by convergence of multivalley bands”, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 082502 (2019).
2018 (2 papers):
[33] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Universal Curve of Optimum Thermoelectric Figures of Merit for Bulk and Low-dimensional Semiconductors”, Physical Review Applied 9, 024019 (2018). (Preprint version: arXiv:1709.08456)
[32] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Two-dimensional MoS2 electromechanical actuators”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51, 075306 (2018). (Preprint version: arXiv:1711.00188)
2017 (6 papers):
[31] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Three-dimensional carbon Archimedean lattices for high-performance electromechanical actuators”, Carbon 125, 472-479 (2017). (Preprint version: arXiv:1705.11142)
[30] M. S. Ukhtary, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Negative refraction in Weyl semimetals”, Journal of Physical Society of Japan 86, 104703 (2017). (Preprint version: arXiv:1612.02054)
[29] N. T. Hung, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Two-dimensional InSe as a potential thermoelectric material”, Applied Physics Letters 111, 092107 (2017). (Preprint version: arXiv:1705.06688)
[28] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Charge-induced electrochemical actuation of armchair carbon nanotube bundles”, Carbon 118, 278-284. (Preprint version: arXiv:1612.02054)
[27] Y. Harada, M. S. Ukhtary, M. Wang, S. K. Srinivasan, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, G. T. Noe II, Y. Sakai, R. Vajtai, P. M. Ajayan, R. Saito, J. Kono, “Giant attenuation of terahertz waves by monolayer graphene in a total internal reflection geometry”, ACS Photonics 4, 121-126 (2017).
[26] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, R. Saito, “Selective coherent phonon mode generation in single wall carbon nanotubes”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 055302 (2017). (Preprint version: arXiv:1605.03114)
2016 (5 papers):
[25] P. Ayria, S. Tanaka, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, “Phonon-assisted indirect transitions in angle-resolved photoemission spectra of graphite and graphene”, Physical Review B 94, 075429 (2016). (Preprint version: arXiv:1608.06227)
[24] M. S. Ukhtary, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, R. Saito, “Broadband transverse electric surface wave in silicene”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 063103 (2016). (Preprint version: arXiv:1605.08133)
[23] E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, “Fermi energy dependence of first- and second-order Raman spectra in graphene: Kohn anomaly and quantum interference effect”, Physical Review B 94, 075104 (2016). (Preprint version: arXiv:1605.02837)
[22] N. T. Hung, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, “Quantum effects in the thermoelectric power factor of low-dimensional semiconductors”, Physical Review Letters 177, 036602 (2016). (Preprint version: arXiv:1604.04353) ★ Note: This paper is highlighted by Phys.org website (August 2016), “Theory of thermoelectric properties updated after 23 years”.
[21] X. Ling, S. Huang, E. H. Hasdeo, L. Liang, W. M. Parkin, Y. Tatsumi, A. R. T. Nugraha, A. A. Puretzky, P. M. Das, B. G. Sumpter, D. B. Geohegan, J. Kong, R. Saito, M. Drndic, V. Meunier, M. S. Dresselhaus, “Anisotropic Electron-Photon and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Black Phosphorus”, Nano Letters 16, 2260-2267 (2016).
2015 (5 papers):
[20] P. Ayria, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, T. R. Czank, S. Tanaka, R. Saito, “Photon energy dependence of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in graphene”, Physical Review B 92, 195148 (2015).
[19] N. T. Hung, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, “Diameter dependence of thermoelectric power of semiconducting carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B 92, 165426 (2015). (Preprint version: arXiv:1508.05727) ★ Note: This paper is highlighted in News and Views section of Nature Energy (2016), “Thermoelectrics: Carbon nanotubes get high”.
[18] R. Saito, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, S. Siregar, H. Guo, T. Yang, “Ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy of graphene and transition-metal dichalcogenides”, Physica Status Solidi B 252, 2363-2374 (2015).
[17] M. S. Ukhtary, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Fermi energy dependence of electromagnetic wave absorption in graphene”, Applied Physics Express 8, 055102 (2015). ★ Note: This paper is included in 2015 Spotlights of the APEX journal.
[16] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, G. D. Sanders, C. J. Stanton, R. Saito, “Origin of coherent G-band phonon spectra in single wall carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B 91, 045406 (2015). (Preprint version: arXiv:1408.0672)
2014 (2 papers):
[15] E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, M. S. Dresselhaus, “Breit-Wigner-Fano lineshapes in Raman spectra of graphene”, Physical Review B 90, 245140 (2014). (Preprint version: arXiv:1406.4226)
[14] Y.-S. Lim, A. R. T. Nugraha, S.-J. Cho, M.-Y. Noh, E.-J. Yoon, H. Liu, J.-H. Kim, H. Telg, E. H. Haroz, G. D. Sanders, S.-H. Baik, H. Kataura, S. K. Doorn, C. J. Stanton, R. Saito, J. Kono, T. Joo, “Ultrafast Generation of Fundamental and Multiple-order Phonon Excitations in Highly-Enriched (6,5) Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes”, Nano Letters 14, 1426-1432 (2014). (Preprint version: arXiv:1312.4073)
2013 (4 papers):
[13] E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, K. Sato, R. Saito, M. S. Dresselhaus, “Electronic Raman scattering and the Fano resonance in metallic carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B 88, 115107 (2013). (Preprint version: arXiv:1301.7585)
[12] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, E. Rosenthal, E. H. Hasdeo, G. D. Sanders C. J. Stanton, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, “Excitonic effects on coherent phonon dynamics in single wall carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B 88, 075440 (2013). (Preprint version: arXiv:1305.1424) ★ Note: Figure 2 of this paper is selected as one of the PRB Kaleidoscope images for August 2013.
[11] G. D. Sanders, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, K. Sato, J.-H. Kim, J. Kono, R. Saito, C. J. Stanton, “Theory of coherent phonons in carbon nanotubes and graphene”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 144201 (2013).
[10] J.-H. Kim, A. R. T. Nugraha, L. G. Booshehri, E. H. Haroz, K. Sato, G. D. Sanders, K.-J. Yee, Y.-S. Lim, C. J. Stanton, R. Saito, J. Kono: “Coherent phonons in carbon nanotubes and graphene”, Chemical Physics 413, 55-80 (2013).
2012 (2 papers):
[9] G. D. Sanders, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, C. J. Stanton, “Coherent radial-breathing-like phonons in graphene nanoribbons”, Physical Review B 85, 205401 (2012).
[8] S. Cambre, S. Santos, W. Wenseleers, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, L. Cognet, B. Lounis, “Luminescence properties of individual empty and water-filled single-walled carbon nanotubes”, ACS Nano 6, 2649-2655 (2012).
2011 (2 papers):
[7] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, G. D. Sanders, K. Sato, C. J. Stanton, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, “Chirality dependence of coherent phonon amplitudes in single wall carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review B 84, 174302 (2011). ★ Note: Figure 6 of this paper is selected as one of the PRB Kaleidoscope images for November 2011.
[6] M. M. Haque, L. C. Yin, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito: “Vibrational and NMR properties of polyynes”, Carbon 49, 3340-3345(2011).
2010 (5 papers):
[5] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, K. Sato, R. Saito, “Confinement of excitons for the lowest optical transition energies of single wall carbon nanotubes”, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 8, 367-371 (2010).
[4] P. T. Araujo, A. R. T. Nugraha, K. Sato, M. S. Dresselhaus, R. Saito, A. Jorio, “Chirality dependence of the dielectric constant for the excitonic transition energy of single wall carbon nanotubes”, Physica Status Solidi B 247, 2847-2850 (2010).
[3] K. Sato, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Excitonic effects on Raman intensity of single wall carbon nanotubes”, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 8, 358-361 (2010).
[2] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, K. Sato, P. T. Araujo, A. Jorio, M. S. Dresselhaus, “Dielectric constant model for environmental effects on the exciton energies of single wall carbon nanotubes”, Applied Physics Letters 97, 091905 (2010).
[1] K. Sato, R. Saito, A. R. T. Nugraha, S. Maruyama, “Excitonic effects on radial breathing mode intensity of single wall carbon nanotubes”, Chemical Physics Letters 497, 94-98 (2010).
[14] M. J. Kholili, S. A. Rifianti, E. Latifah, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Benchmarking Monte Carlo simulations for simple quantum systems in epistemically-restricted phase-space representation”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2652, 050003 (2022).
[13] M. J. Kholili, S. A. Rifianti, E. Latifah, ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, “Monte Carlo simulations for quantum harmonic and anharmonic oscillators within epistemically restricted phase-space representation”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2243, 012084 (2022).
[12] E. Suprayoga, M. Y. Hanna, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, “A comparative study of thermoelectric properties of monolayer, bilayer and bulk CrI3”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2382, 020004 (2021).
[11] M. J. Prakoso, A. B. Cahaya, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. A. Majidi, “Analysis of optical transition rules in buckled and puckered bismuthene monolayers based on electron-photon dipole vectors”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1816, 012050 (2021).
[10] R. Layton, A. B. Cahaya, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. A. Majidi, “Electron-photon interaction in monolayer antimonene”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1816, 012049 (2021).
[9] R. M. Sitorus, A. Azhar, A. B. Cahaya, A. R. T. Nugraha, M. A. Majidi, “Theoretical study of complex susceptibility of Pd and Pt”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1816, 012044 (2021).
[8] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, A. B. Cahaya, M. A. Majidi, “Ultrafast optical absorption and coherent phonon generation in monolayer and bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1816, 012052 (2021).
[7] M. Y. Hanna, E. H Hasdeo, E. Suprayoga, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Thermoelectric properties of two-dimensional hydrogenated borophene: A first-principles study”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2256, 030017 (2020).
[6] E. Suprayoga, A. Rifai, A. Subhan, G. K. Sunnardianto, M. Y. Hanna, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Ab-initio calculation of muon spin polarization function to study lithium-ion diffusion in LiTi2O4 battery material”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2256, 030015 (2020).
[5] E. H. Hasdeo, L. P. A. Krisna, A. R. T. Nugraha, “Thermoelectric properties of two-dimensional Dirac materials”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2256, 030010 (2020).
[4] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, M. Y. Hanna, E. Suprayoga, E. H. Hasdeo, “Modulation of coherent phonon amplitudes in low-dimensional materials by ultrafast laser pulse trains”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2256, 020005 (2020).
[3] ♣ A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, “Coherent and squeezed phonons in single wall carbon nanotubes”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1191, 012002 (2019).
[2] N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Size effect in thermoelectric power factor of nondegenerate and degenerate low-dimensional semiconductors”, Materials Today: Proceedings 4, 12368-12373 (2017).
[1] G. D. Sanders, A. R. T. Nugraha, K. Sato, J.-H. Kim, Y.-S. Lim, J. Kono, R. Saito, C. J. Stanton, “Coherent phonons in carbon based nanostructures”, Proceedings of SPIE 9083, 908309 (2014).
Book(s) / Book Chapter(s)
Total number of the book(s) and book chapter(s) published: 2 (as of February 2023)
- N. T. Hung, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, “Quantum ESPRESSO Course for Solid-State Physics”, Jenny Stanford Publishing, New York, 2022.
- R. Saito, A. R. T. Nugraha, E. H. Hasdeo, N. T. Hung, W. Izumida, “Electronic and optical properties of single wall carbon nanotubes”, in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Preparation, Property and Application, edited by Y. Li and S. Maruyama, Springer, Topics in Current Chemistry 375, 1-24 (2017).